Before we only had time to watch the news to know the weather in our area. Today, thanks to the advancements in technology and communication, there are different weather applications that allow us to know the weather from our mobile phones. Since there are different weather applications, you have to know the importance of accuracy depending on which application we will choose and we want to know the meteorological situation.
In this article we will tell you which are the best weather apps and which apps need to be good.
What is the need of weather app?
Before we can say which weather app is better than others, we should look at the features we need at that time. There are endless possibilities but the main thing to look for in an app is that it’s easy to use and doesn’t have too much invasive advertising. When we install this type of application on our mobile phone we will find ease in knowing the weather forecast. Let’s see what are the characteristics that this type of application needs to be more in demand:
Temperature and wind chill: Perhaps the most explored weather variable. The temperature and thermal sensation of the area we are going to will determine the type of clothing we will need. For example, if we are going to travel outside our city or town, you will need to know the temperature and thermal sensation at the destination.
Hourly Forecast: Sometimes the weather forecast is more complex and inaccurate. Therefore, knowing the forecast by hours is more accurate. It is important not only to know that it is a rainy day but also to pass the time.
Alerts: If the weather changes drastically, the forecast can change and we’ve got real-time alerts to prepare for possible changes.
Location: The application also needs to be able to locate us and offer weather forecast for the geographical location. It is important that the application must satellite our location and not manually enter where we are.
Sunrise and sunset: Sunrise and sunset are two beautiful daily phenomena. Based on these two parts of the day, we can know how the days are increasing or decreasing depending on the seasons of the years. You can also go for a day or night walk without any surprises.
Sea State: It is interesting to know the water temperature, waves, water activities or high and low tide hours, or to go to the beach calmly, especially for summer time.
Wind conditions: Wind direction speed is essential for any outdoor activity we are going to do.
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The best weather apps

The app is most popular on Android and iOS. Provides information on weather up to 15 days in advance. You should be aware that the accuracy of this information becomes more uncertain as the three days pass. Atmospheric systems cannot be predicted with great accuracy at this time because many meteorological variables fluctuate.
When we open the application window we can see humidity, sunrise and sunset time, visibility, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, temperature and thermal sensation variables. It also allows us to know the variables mentioned in other cities using search engines. In this way we will know the conditions of the place we are traveling in the place we are traveling with the umbrella at all times and avoid getting wet.
Click Here Download Accuweather
2.Weather Forecast

One of the best weather apps where you can get all the information in a single graph. As soon as you enter the application, you can consult all the information like maximum and minimum temperature, current temperature, wind speed and direction, sky condition, rain probability, sunrise and sunset time, etc. One disadvantage of this application is that all in one image. Some of the information can be overwhelming to look at.
However, it is an app that provides weather forecasts at a higher level of detail than other weather apps. However, it is a slightly more confusing forecast because it involves some more technical concepts than can be derived from general meteorological knowledge.
Click Here Download Weather Forecast
3.Weather Underground

The app provides accurate and localized forecasts thanks to information that users themselves can provide in real time. And that’s a lot of people who have weather stations installed in their homes. This app works worldwide. This app may not give you the geolocation and you have to enter the town name manually. There is an application that is not focused on the Spanish market, that is you can run into some problems with measuring units. They must be changed manually from settings.
The advantage is that the panel is fully customizable and you can add and remove information to your liking.
Click Here Download Weather Underground
4.Wild weather

The application is quite optional, because it shows us the weather at all times from pictures of wild animals, based on the time we met. If it’s night and cloudy for example, it shows us a deer grazing in a plain and grassy field with some clouds passing over it.
In addition, it provides information on weather conditions, temperature and probability of precipitation and wind speed for the coming days.
Click Here Download Weather Bug
Older Weather Apps:
The weather bug

One of the oldest applications of time and known for being very carefully aesthetic. All the information can be done through tabs and you can also check the current weather conditions and forecast by both hours and days. Blue is the dominant color although it can vary depending on the climate. For example, if it is raining, it will include darker colors and rain showers.
Click Here Download Weather Bug
I hope with this information you can learn more about the best weather apps.